
Jul-03-2018 - ISBNDB reaches 19 Million Titles!

ISBNDB has reached a new milestone, with over 19 million books in our database (and counting).   We have one of the biggest book databases available, with thousands of new books and data points added daily.   

Apr-10-2018 - Contact with Authors And Other Questions

Hi, ISBNdb Users! We receive a lot of emails regarding how to contact the author/publisher/copyright owner of a certain book that we have in our database.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that ISBNdb is simply the most comprehensive book database available on the web, offering up to 18 million titles and counting.

We simply store the information about the book, including the author, publisher, publication date, and much more.

Jan-26-2018 - API Documentation Updated

API 1 documentation updated. This is located here

Jan-11-2018 - Reported Bugs Successfully Fixed

Hello ISBNdb Users!


As you may know, we were having a couple of issues regarding the password reset tool and the API keys. 


We were able to successfully change the way the password reset tool worked, making it a more simple design.

Additionally, all paying users can now see their API key and user level on their dashboard. 


We'd love to hear more from you! Let us know what YOU want to see next on ISBNdb! 

Dec-26-2017 - New Site Launch

After 14 years, ISBNdb 2.0 is here. New look and feel. Explore the site, and leave your feedback! 

Dec-26-2017 - Free Accounts Restricted

Due to abuse of the system and strain on our resources, we have discontinued free api access. You can find our paid plans by clicking here

Dec-15-2017 - Database Increases to 18.5 Million

Database is now at 18.5 unique titles and counting. We have increased the number of data sources that we use, as well as the data points for each book.

Feb-28-2017 - ISBNdb Undergoing Updates

ISBNdb is currently undergoing maintenance. Please expect service interruptions.

May-23-2013 - May 2013 - System Upgrades

If you are experiencing trouble from our recent update, please let us know.