The ISBNdb database includes over 29 million unique ISBNs with up to 19 data points per book and searchable via our custom API. Choose one of the plans below to access the API for a free 7 day trial.
- Live database with over 29 million unique books
- Up to 19 data points per book including ISBN10, ISBN13, title, author, publication date, publisher, binding, pages, list price, cover image, language, edition, format, synopsys, and dimensions. Other data points for some books are overview, dewey decimal, weight, and subject.
- Searchable by title, author, isbn with multiple endpoint options
- New books and data points added daily
- Multiple languages available
- Used, rare, out of print books and every book in print
- No Long Term Contracts
- Customizable API functionality
- Higher API Requests per second for Premium and Pro Plans
- Bulk Data: get up to 1000 results per call (Premium and Pro only)